Title: Contrasts Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: Susan Jacobs/Valerie Cartwright Tork Prompt: 096. Writer's Choice (together). Word Count: 154 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: Contrasting the lives of two identical women.
Title: Pleasant Surprise Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: all four, plus wives Prompt: 095. New Year. Word Count: 284 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: "It was hell keepin' you in the dark."
Title: By David Michaelson Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: David Michaelson Prompt: 094. Independence. Word Count: 206 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: I owe it all to them.
Title: Peter's List Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: Micky Prompt: 093. Thanksgiving. Word Count: 313 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: This was so like Peter....
Title: Many Ways Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: All Four, plus wives Prompt: 092. Christmas. Word Count: 312 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: How the Monkees see Christmas.
Title: A Sad First Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: Davy Prompt: 091. Birthday. Word Count: 208 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: Davy didn't want to face today.
Title: Always There. Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: All Four and the Pad. Prompt: 090. Home. Word Count: 258 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: The Pad was always there. And the Pad was always home.
Title: Blessed. Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: All Four. Prompt: 089. Work. Word Count: 154 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: As usual, when it came to these things, it had been Peter who'd first used the word.
Title: Forever Learning. Fandom: The Power Monkees. Characters: Peter. Prompt: 088. School. Word Count: 193 Rating: G (Fan rating K) Summary: Peter muses on how overwhelming leadership is.